The Benefits Of Music Based Workshops
Music has been proven to help with mental wellness and in building healthier teams. Research shows that engaging within the music process has positive impacts on productivity and reducing stress. It also promotes open communication and brings teams together. The best part about a music based workshop is that it requires absolutely ZERO music knowledge, just an open mind and a willingness to participate. Our workshops are led by a board-certified music therapist who specializes in music based team development.
What Do Music Based Workshops Look Like?
We begin with a consultation to learn more about your concerns and team vision. This includes a specially designed questionnaire for your team members that determine their needs directly from them. After collecting all our information we custom design a program that works best for you and your budget. Each individual workshop is a two-hour event which can currently accommodate up to ten people per session. We provide all the instruments (though you are welcome to bring your own if you wish!) All we need from you is an open space where we can get our jam on! Some examples of workshops we’ve done in the past:
Drum circles
Collaborative songwriting
Song sharing and lyric discussion
Give us a call whenever you’re ready to unite your team. We’ll be there every step of the way to answer any questions and help design a program that’s best for you and your team.